Balagokulam Magazine Contest 2011

Balagokulam Magazine, a publication of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, concluded its annual contest for the year 2011. The objective of the contest is to create a forum for children to express their creativity and relate Hindu cultural values in an interesting and exciting manner.

Balagokulam Magazine, a publication of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, concluded its annual contest for the year 2011. The objective of the contest is to create a forum for children to express their creativity and relate Hindu cultural values in an interesting and exciting manner.

The contests were organized in to four age groups and five categories of Artwork, Essay, Story, Poem and Creativity Project. Some of the topics in these categories were `Festival Celebration’, “This is how I celebrated”, “Winter, lights and colors”, “Humor Story” and “My Volunteering experience”.

All Balashikshaks, children and parents took the message of the contest to a wider community in a timely fashion, facilitating more awareness among the families. This year, we had an amazing response for the contest with 400 participants sending in around 650 entries as against 300 entries last year. The contestants represented 20 states from US and Canada.

The judging process involved more than fifteen judges. At least three judges evaluated each entry. In every category, first and second prizes were announced. Also third and consolation prizes were announced to encourage the efforts put forth by children. Balagokulam Magazine Team would like to congratulation all the participants for their enthusiasm and winners for the excellence.

Over the years, we have seen a steady progress in the key facet of the magazine – which is the contributions from second-generation Hindu children. With more and more continuous efforts, the Balagokulam Magazine would continue to provide opportunities to the Hindu children to appreciate their cultural roots and learn Hindu values.

Contest Details and Results –

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