Hindu Heritage Camp in Rochester, MN

Hindu community was successfully united for learning and sharing Hindu values in an organized way through the Heritage Camp.

As usual, respects to Bagwa Dwaj marked the beginning of our camp which was followed by Ganesh Vandana. The importance of attending regular shakha, proclaiming our Hindu Identity and the privilege of being the followers of Shri Ram and Lord Krishna were emphasized through the camp geet – chalo bhai chalo shakha me chalo. Physical Exercises and Surya Namaskar provided adequate fitness for pro-active participation in the activities for the day.

All the participants were divided into 3 ganas – Bala, kishore and Tarun and parallel sessions were conducted for all the ganas separately.

Bala – Significance of Lord Ganesha followed by colouring contest

Kishore – Hindu dharma for kids followed by crossword puzzle

Tarun – Interactive Baudhik on Hindu Identity.

Baudhik sessions imparted indigenous information about Hindu values in an interactive way. This was followed by fun filled energetic games favouring a platform to forget the feeling of differences among the fellowmen.

A sustained growth requires food for mind and body. After acquiring food for the mind, the sevaks and sevikas chanted the Bhojan Mantra collectively, and headed for having delicious food prepared by the dedicated sevikas of Rochester.

After Bhojan, all the ganas rejoined for refueling themselves with the Sanatana Dharma principles through the camp geet. Three parallel sessions began again after this.

Bala – Video presentation on panchathantra katha

Kishore – Swayam Pariksha – self test / competitions

Tarun – Interactive quiz on Bharath highlighting the essence of Ekaathmathaa stotram.

Second shaaririk session sustained the spirit of sevaks and sevikas to continue to stay focused for the activities to follow.

Bondage among the brotherhood was ignited with the celebration of Raksha Bandhan. The essence of this utsav was emphatically emphasised by the enthusiastic Baudhik session from Shanthakka Ji through examples.

Respects to Bagwa Dwaj with Sangh prarthana marked the end of day's long activities. All the participants picked the positives of the camp for practicing and preserving the Hindu values for attaining Vishwa Dharma.

Highlights of the camp:

All the activities of the camp began and ended at the scheduled time Active participation of one and all in the respective ganas with out any exception Volunteers planned and prepared themselves with utmost dedication and helped in conducting every session in a professional way.

Complete discipline was maintained through out the day with no work for karyakartas to insist on remaining quite. All through the day, the sankya remained at 85 and the total sankya with participants for specific activities was 110 + Participation of the Minneapolis team provided a supportive atmosphere in inspiring the local sevaks and sevikas. All of us were indeed blessed with the presence of Shantakka Ji and were fortunate to hear the positive punching points with examples on preserving our Hindu Dharma.

As a part of seva work, books on panchathantra katha were sold and the proceeds were donated to Hindu Samaj Temple, MN

Here is an extract from press coverage – POST BULLETIN

By Jeff Hansel

The Post-Bulletin

So many pairs of shoes filled the shelving at the Hindu Samaj Temple for Hindu Heritage Camp that a spot on the floor was covered and growing.

But within minutes, children who had been playing inside donned theirs and were outside involved in a multitude of games.

About 70 people from various Minnesota communities came to Rochester on Saturday to teach children about Hindu values and to allow adults to reconnect with one another.

Mahesh Raghunandanan said adults discussed Hindu values, practiced yoga and talked about things that are good for society, while children played games and took part in activities. The annual event reinforces universal brotherhood, he said.

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