International Yoga Day


भारतीय नववर्ष 2072, युगाब्द 5117
Dear Swayamsevak Bandhu and Swayamsevika Bhaginee,

I wish you, your family and friends a happy, healthy and prosperous Varsha Pratipada, beginning of Hindu New Year.

I hope this email finds you in the best of health and good spirits. With this email, I would like to bring to your attention nationwide events on the occasion of International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2015.

In his maiden speech at the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2014, Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi urged the world community to adopt an International Yoga Day. Appreciating the holistic approach that Yoga brings to health and well-being, 170 Member States of the UN supported this concept and proclaimed June 21 as International Day of Yoga.

As a Sangh Swayamsevak / Swayamsevika we develop shakhas and serve the community, and in the process we give our best to society without expecting material returns. By offering sewa, we help the needy in society and by developing Surya Namaskar Yajna we offer simple techniques to balance the body, mind and soul for the entire society. By our selfless actions we try to attain what Shri Krishna meant by yogah karmasu kaushalam.

International Yoga Day is bringing us a similar opportunity where we can give back to our karmabhoomi the best part of our collective inheritance — Yoga. As you know, Yoga is not a mere tool for physical fitness but more importantly is a spiritual beacon for an individuals upliftment. It is in this spirit that HSS is organizing Yoga events at various locations nationwide to promote Yoga and its many benefits. These events will involve all regardless of their race, faith, gender, nationality or any other similar barrier.

I encourage you and your families to not only participate in your local event but also to invite your colleagues, friends and local organizations. The success of this unique opportunity depends on your active participation and involvement of other organizations and their members.

With warm regards,

Ved Nanda
Sanghchalak, USA


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