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HSS 25 History and memories project

HSS25 Flyer

As we all know, HSS is completing its formal 25th year as a registered  organization in the US. It is a proud moment for all of us. During this time we grew up our base in terms of shakha, outreach, karyakrams and last but the most important: increasing active participation of our next generation born and/or brought up in the US – karyakartas! 

Many of us have witnessed this history in making and now it is high time collect such memories, unique stories and historical milestones.  This information is not only limited to last 25 years but it will also include efforts of many swayamsevaks and karyakartas even before 1989 that culminated in registering HSS as an organization and its growth. 

Please review enclosed flyer.  We request to collect as much as possible information from your Shakha/Vibhag/Sambhag relevant to questions and topics provided in this flyer. 

Additionally, please feel free to take and share short video/audio clips as well as photos of the interviewee as well as unique photos of events from last 25 years.

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