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HSS appeal to help earthquake victims

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) appeals to the community in USA to help the victims of the massive earthquake of October 10, 2005, in the Kashmir region of the Indian subcontinent. HSS express its deep condolences to the victims of this great human tragedy and urges all to join in the relief efforts.

Mr. Arun Kankani, organizing secretary of HSS, said “Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this horrible tragedy, especially the children of the region, who make up half the population of the quake-affected areas and who now will be vulnerable to hunger, cold, illness, trauma and possible coercion by the armed terrorists. We appeal to all Hindus to support the aid efforts for essential relief supplies such as blankets, clothing, tents, medical supplies, food for infants and water purification tablets. A great deal of international effort will be required. We understand that aid organizations like the SEWA International, Sewa Bharati, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and other organizations are working along with the Indian Government to ensure aid reaches the quake affected region.”

Mr. Kankani added “The scale of suffering and havoc unleashed by this disaster is unimaginable. It is heartening to note that world governments have reacted immediately. We are pleased the American government has responded with an immediate financial assistance and a rescue and medical team of US persons in Afghanistan. We urge American Hindus to lend their whole-hearted support to the aid efforts in the spirit of compassion exemplified in our tradition.”

HSS will work with Sewa International (http://www.SewaUSA.org) and India Development and Relief Fund (http://www.idrf.org) in collection of relief aid. Please donate generously.

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