HSS launches Surya Namaskar Yagna 2008 with renewed enthusiasm

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For the second consecutive year, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) announces offering (“yagna”) of one million Sun Salutations, known as Surya Namaskar, to create awareness among the people of the world about Yoga and its advantages in achieving a healthy body, mind and spirit.

The sun is the source of energy for all life on earth. Surya Namaskar is a combination of yoga postures, called “asana(s)”, performed in a pre-determined sequence, in appreciation of this extremely valuable solar energy.  They are a set of well-balanced movements that will stretch and exercise all the muscles in the body, thus keeping the body and mind healthy.   It is practiced all over the world in more than forty different ways. A common practice of performing Surya Namaskar in a set of ten yoga postures provides good exercise to the whole body, calms the mind, and sharpens the intellect.

Each year Hindus worldwide celebrate January 14th as Makar Sankranti – a day that marks a change of season as the sun enters the sign of Capricorn or Makar.  Makar Sankranti ushers in longer days; thus the festivity symbolizes sunshine in life.  Therefore, to mark this occasion, HSS will conduct a collective Surya Namaskar Yagna (SNY) from January 12th to January 27th, 2008. It will be performed by HSS members at their weekly meetings (shakhas/balagokulams), as well as at home on other days. We invite everyone in the United States to perform Surya Namaskar at weekly shakhas and/or at home with a collective goal of one million Surya Namaskar in the sixteen-day span. Last year, over 4,300 people from thirty states participated in this unique marathon, and this year we hope that over 7,000 participants across the country will reap rich benefits from Surya Namaskar.

This program is open to all free of cost – with no age, gender, nationality, ethnicity or religion bars. Details of this event, training resources, and advertising aids to make this project successful are available on the official HSS SNY website: www.hssus.org/sny.  For questions or suggestions, email at sny@hssus.org.

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