Vijaya Dashami Utsav Celebration

Vijyadashmi Celebration by HSS USA145+ Shakas of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, USA  celebrated Vijaya Dashami Utsav during the weekends of October 16-17 and October 23-24, 2010. Hundreds of swayamsevaks, sevikas and guests participated in these events and also celebrated the day as foundation day of Sangh. 
Following are just representative highlights from some of the regions: 

In Austin, TX, three shakas including one from University Yuvas participated in the Utsav. Swayamsevaks performed Suryanamaskar, Yogachap, and  Ghosh pradarshan. Children performed Ramayana skit and “Deep (Light) dance”.  Shakas within the State of Pennsylvenia came together and displayed their skills in  Niyudha and Yogachap. 320 Swayamsevaks participated in the pradarashan and Vijaya Dashami utsava in Cerritos in Southern California. 

Noted Phlanthropist and wellknown Oncologist Dr. Bharat Barai was the chief guest at Chicago vibhag shakas utsav. In his talk, he began with appreciation of HSS work in general an in Chicago area specifically, talked about current state of Hindus in America and in Chicago, shared experiences and offered all the help to the HSS team. 

University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Professor Dr. Balaram Singh provided guidance to the attendees of Boston Vibhag shakhas’ Vijaya Dashami utsav. Referring to known events from Shri. Ram’s life, Dr. Singh explained the importance of prioratizing duties in one’s life than to follow emotional obligationgs disguised sometime as responsibilities.

Shakas from New York, LA, Houston, Dallas, Denver,  Seattle celebrated Vijaya Dashami utsav. Enthusiasm of all swayamsevaks was the key to successful celebration nationwide.  

In last 22 years since its inception in New Jersey, HSS continued growing nationwide, now in more than 40 states. Young children, young adults, youths and adults, all are participating in the vibrant HSS shakas locally. In addition to inculcate the Hindu cultural values, shakas also continued training attendees for healthy lifestyles by Yoga and Surya Namaskar; group activities beyond khel where participants learn Niyuddha, yogachap and musical instruments recital known popularly as Ghosh.  Vijaya Dashami is the time Swayamsevaks and sevikas are eager to present collectively what they practice in pradarshan. This year was not different, just got better!

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