Surya Namaskar Yagna 2019 by HSS USA

HSS USA organized Surya Namaskar Yagna this year. Below is the summary report for SNY 2019.


This Report is Based on Responses Received from 145 Shakhas as of 2/20/2019.

School Outreach:

   #Schools Reached Out To


   #Schools That Responded Favorably


   #Schools Where SNY Was Conducted


   #Kids That Participated


   #Suryanamaskars Performed In Schools


Adhiktam Upastiti Divas:

   #Shakhas That Conducted AUD


   Total Upastiti in all AUDs


   #Shakhas That Had 100+ Upastiti


   #Shakhas That Had 50+ Upastiti


Other Outreach Events (libraries, parks, corporate offices, etc.):

   #Other Outreach Events


   #People That Participated In Such Events




Arizona, Oregon, Pennsylvania, New York, South Carolina, Virginia


New York






Unique Experiments / Experiences

We had amazing SNY session at Schools and got very good positive feedback from school staffs such as Principals, teachers, and P.E. teachers

The sessions were led and demonstrated by Bala from Shakha. After one of the sessions, few kids came up to the stage and hugged in gratitude.

Telugu language school was reached out, where there was a good reception among the Indian community who are not shakha attendees.

One school wanted us to come back and train teachers. Another school wanted us to lead through a pranayama relaxation exercise before standardized tests.

Used the website “Next door” to connect to the local community to inform people about SNY

1. We held 10 days reach your level challenge for Bala and Kishore. All kids who reached their age-appropriate level will receive extra achievement certificate along with participate certification. 2. Regular suryanamaskar conference call + adhiktam Sankhya diwas in presence of swami Bramhaswarupanandji– together we did 2300+1755+ 325=4380SN during SNY period.

Conducted a radio program on TeluguNRIRadio and it was received very well. Many people from different states contacted. The RJ who conducted our interview started coming to Shaka. Morning and Evening Google Hangout was conducted for 2 weeks, all the shaka karyakartas participated.

Conducted 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hour and 24-hour marathons

Did SNY and Niyudh pradharshan in Livermore Temple, CA.

In February we are having SNY outreach in Rice Middle school. About 600 students will be participating.

A team of 10 Bala team performed SNY continuously for 3 hours. We performed SNY at a school the whole day for all middle school classes

Craft making event

Started new shakha as part of SNY

Bala Pradarshan, all of the community reach out mostly new families joined.

Conducted SNY first time at Indianapolis Hindu temple

We (~25 ) did Flash mob style SNs at open space in University center/mall

Surya Namaskar at the beach

Reached 5000+ SN during 24 hour Marathon

This year, we played Khel and Shavasana throughout the event along with Surya Namaskar, in hopes of bringing the Caribbean community together

We started a Surya Namaskar challenge of doing 108 Surya Namaskar every day for 108 days, now around 10 people doing Surya Namaskar every day

One of our Bala was able to demonstrate Surya Namaskar in her class. Her class along with teacher did 1 set Surya Namaskar. Total student count 20

Prjana (51 kids did 13 SN i.e. 1 set), 8 Hr Marathon (01/26, 73 Participate, 11546 SN), Total SNY Report (12234 excluding marathon) .. Many new families joined and continuing it

2 School and 2 Libraries provided a schedule in Feb and Mar, Marathon (12 hr|01/19| 102 participate: 10862 SN), Total Yagan (23000 SN excluding Marathon), Many new families joined shakha

Conducted precursor event with 108 Surya Namaskar on Jan 1st.

Principal and PE teachers were impressed with SNY and supported in all our events like SNY & Text Issues & involved us in the review of their Textbook selection pilot project.

Yes, we conducted craft work at our Shakha where kids had prepared a Kite by pasting the SNY postures and mantras slips on it circularly

The only shakha south of Austin which went in solo in their adhiktam upasthithi divas came out really well which helped to strengthen shakha KKs include Yuvas who ran the daily SN conference calls.

This shakha setup the Pflugerville Swaminarayan Mandir event on one of their sat-sang days which had plenty of kids – who got a slice of shakha where SNs was done along with a lot of games

SNY at Bhutanese Hindu Shelter Home

Mayor’s Proclamation Received first time, Great support from Township & recommendation to conduct SNY at township facility



Recommendations for Next Year:


Every sambhaag, vibhag, and shakha must have an SNY coordinator.

At the national level, there should be a coordinator and a Saha-coordinator.

There must also be a separate team of developers to develop, deploy and support the app.

Timeline (if Outreach is Planned):

Get National team (national coordinators, sambhaag coordinators, and developers) Onboard – End of September

Get Vibhaag Coordinators Onboard – Mid October

Get Shakha Coordinators Onboard – End October

Get proclamations – Mid November

Start Outreach Sampark – Mid November

Complete Outreach Sampark – Mid December

Implement SNY – January


Please find all the SNY 2019 shakha reports (raw data) at


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