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Sample Planning and Timeline

Sample Planning and Timeline

Sadhana Shakha Guru Vandana Utsav Protocol
(Utsav date : May 9th, 2020)
Create an interactive medium for teachers and educators to experience Guru Vandana Utsav, virtually.
Timeline Category of task Task Owner Participants Notes
1st week of April
Zoom meeting to invite ideas 1. Finalize date of Guru Vandana Utsav
2. Determine the feasibility of an interactive e-Guru Vandana
3. Invite ideas for performances/events to be included in the Utsav
4. Assign task owners
5. Follow up with bi-weekly Zoom meetings to gauge progress on all tasks
GV Pramukh All Shakha Families Document Ideals in a centralized loction (Google Drive)
Invitation to Teachers 1. Parents will enter name, school, email id of teachers into the Google
Sheet shared with them
2. Prepare a standard invitation to be sent to all teachers, listed.
Invitation content:
a. Date, time of the Utsav
b. RSVP link for teachers to confirm their acceptance
c. Invitation sent by GV Pramukh, using Sadhana Shakha Gmail id.
(ensure timely delivery of invites)
1. Parents
2. GV Pramukh
Document info in a centralized loction (Google Drive)
Instructions on creating and sharing videos 1. Record at least 1080p resolution (standard in most phones). The higher, the better.
2. Recording at similar resolution will help where stitch videos where they are part of same task
3. Give few seconds of blank recordings at the start and end of recording, they can always be trimmed.
4. Keep your device horizontal (i.e. Landscape and not portrait)
5. Do not use Email, Whatsapp, web transfer etc to share the videos.
6. To transfer videos, connect your phone to your PC and transfer your videos to your PC first and then transfer to Google Drive. (You can download the Google Drive App for that).
Each participant was assigned a Google Folder, into which their video files could be uploaded by them.
GV Pramukh & task owners Shishu gana, Bala gana, Kishore gana Verbal and WhatsApp Instructions
2nd & 3rd weeks of April
Follow up email to all invitees 1. A brief reminder was emailed to all invitees (parent responsible for inviting CC’ed on each email) to RSVP. GV Pramukh Emails were sent from GV Pramuksh account for:
a) Put personal touch
b) Prevent going to Spam fold
Video Editing – Main 1. Every project (event) needs 3 files :
a. Video Files
b. Audio Files – background music, sound effects
c. Visual effects – transitions added
2. Choice of Software: iMovies, Adobe Premiere
3. Premiere video of 50 minutes was divided in 7 parts:
a. 5 minutes: Intro, Ganesh + Saraswati Vandana + Deep Prajwalan
b. 5 minutes: Welcome by MCs, Recitation of Gurur Brahma
c. 9 minutes: Intro, Facts on Hinduism – Om, Skit
d. 6 minutes: Intro, Facts on Hinduism – Namaste, Musical Instruments
e. 7 minutes: Intro, Facts on Hinduism – Yoga, Skit
f. 7 minutes: Intro, Facts on Hinduism – Festinvals, Dance Performances
g. 11 minutes: We The Students, Miss You, Thank You
GV Pramukh Video Editing is the hardest part. Be very patient.
4th week of April
Invite dignitaries & PRESS a. Invite Mayor, Congressmen, Senators
b. Invite TV and Newspaper
GV Pramukh – Ideally invitation to dignitaries must be sent atleast 4-5 weeks prior to the event. Invitation can be sent via email. Follow up with a personal phone call or a visit to their offices.
– Press and TV media should be informed 2 weeks in advance. Invitation and Program Guide must be shared.
Post Production tweaks; Review and Feedback a. Video files are often large, which could make them difficult to share with your team via traditional channels, such as email. Files were uploaded to YouTube and links were shared with team to invite their feedback and edits.
b. Large amounts of storage is needed to save these video files. Please be mindful of that. We had to deleted some files as soon as they were converted to YouTube links. But later realized that these files would have come handy to polish and refine our final product.
Everyone Keep history of files and backups. People change their minds.
Have to accomodate everyone to the best extent.
1st week of May
Launch teaser on Social Media 1. 60- second Teaser with glimpses of the actual Premiere was prepared and launched on Sadhana’s FaceBook page and shared with Sadhana families on it’s bi-weekly ZOOM meeting. GV Pramukh a. Teaser for e-Guru Vandana, 2020:
b. Guru Vandana from past years:
Email invitees and families 2. Email with,
a. viewing instructions
b. link to teaser (eGV, 2020)
c. link to video compilation of past Guru Vandana Utsav(s)
d. Program Guide
1. Parents
2. GV Pramukh
a. See Summary:
b. Teaser for e-Guru Vandana, 2020:
c. Guru Vandana from past years:
d. Program Guide:
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