Honoring moms with SEWA – ICARE

HSS participated in a sewa project called “Honoring Moms In Need“. HSS – Contra costa Vibhag cosponsored an ICARE program* to honor and help moms in need and their babies through the Monument Crisis Center Walnut Creek

The Vibhag (San Ramon, Dublin , Pleasenton, Livermore and Concord)  partnered  with Peace Lutheran Church and  Jewish community Temple Isaiah to provide essential hygiene kits for at-risk women and their families.

These essential hygiene kits will provide a month’s worth of basic personal care products:- Shampoo/conditioner, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, body lotion, deodorant, razors, two pairs of socks, diapers and wipes  in a nice reusable bag.

We  helped  them in three ways –

  1. Kishore Shakha karyakartas made around 120 hand written  caring  notes/bookmarks  for moms .

  2. Eight  karyakartas  helped in  packing the kits on Sunday Apr 11  afternoon at Jewish temple at Lafayette followed by a two mins  shanti message from Vibhag karyawaha Vasanth Shetty ji .

  3. Few Karyakarta also helped  in distribution of food and hygiene kits on Tuesday Apr 13  at Monument crisis center walnut creek  with proper Covid precautions and safety.

Together with both organisations we could have make  500 kits for needy moms before Mother’s Day .

****ICARE is a program of the Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County (I4C) that creates opportunities for people of diverse religions, spiritual expressions, and indigenous traditions to work together to improve the lives of people in our county who are in need. By linking volunteers with projects across the county, they work together to provide resources such as food, shelter, supplies, and other forms of support for people in our community.  They do this by partnering with selected, local nonprofit organizations*****

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