HSS Calls for Unity against Hate: Condemning the Attack on the BAPS Hindu Temple at Chino Hills, CA

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA strongly condemns the recent attack on the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha Hindu Temple in Chino Hills, California.

Over the past five years, there have been 15 to 20 incidents of vandalism targeting various Hindu temples across cities and towns in the United States. Alarmingly, six of these—including the most recent case—have specifically targeted BAPS Hindu temples.

Despite these repeated attacks, no perpetrators have been apprehended or brought to justice. This wave of vandalism is compounded by ongoing social media bullying and misinformation campaigns against American Hindu communities and organizations. Such unchecked hostility emboldens those who seek to use violence as a means of making political statements against the Hindu community. It also fuels a divisive agenda that fosters unwarranted fear and misunderstanding about Hindus, a peace-loving community that actively contributes to American society through social service, arts, culture, entrepreneurship, education, and economic growth.

We firmly believe that this rising climate of hostility does not affect Hindus alone—it threatens the fabric of American society as a whole. Hatred, when left unchecked, transcends boundaries and endangers the principles of pluralism and coexistence that define this nation.

We urge elected officials, community leaders, media, educators, and law enforcement authorities to recognize the gravity of this attack. Addressing such crimes requires not only thorough investigation and accountability but also a broader effort to raise awareness and combat hate through education and responsible media coverage.

Now more than ever, it is crucial for all sections of society to stand together in solidarity, uphold the values of peaceful coexistence, and serve as a model of unity for the rest of the world.

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